class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Oral Assessments: ## Building a Community of Statistical Thinkers and Speakers ###
Allison Theobold & Paul Roback --- layout: true <div class="my-footer"> <span> <a href=" target="_blank"><b></b></a> - Allison Theobold & Paul Roback </span> </div> --- class: middle, inverse ## .larger[.grey[.hand[Welcome!]]] .center[ .large[ .honey[ Link for slides & resources: ] 🔗 []( ]] --- .center[ .pull-left[ <img src="../images/allison.jpg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> # Allison Theobold <br> .large[Cal Poly] ] .pull-right[ <img src="../images/paul.jpg" width="60%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> # Paul Roback <br> .large[St. Olaf College] ] ] --- class: middle, center, inverse # .pink[.hand[.large[A variety of oral assessments]]] .large[ .honey[Paul] -- A follow-up assessment to a homework assignment or a component of an exam .mango[Allison] -- A summative midterm or final exam ] --- class: middle .center[ # .larger[Plan] ] .larger[ 1. Rationale & experiences 2. Group discussion 3. Design 4. Peer feedback ] --- class: inverse, middle # .larger[.hand[Why oral assessments?]] --- .center[ # Why? ] .pull-left[.midlarge[ - Insight about understanding - No memorized definitions * Have students talk through process * Ability to ask follow-up questions ] ] .pull-right[.midlarge[ - Online courses - More one-on-one interaction - Experimentation is okay! ] ] --- # .larger[Exam Style] .large[Context: Statistical Modeling] - Separate "mini-test" - Followed first logistic regression HW - Some questions on conceptual understanding - Some questions on applying ideas to new scenarios --- # .larger[Exam Style] .large[Context: Statistical Theory] - Part of first midterm - Topics: frequentist principles and Bayes vs. Frequentist - Check conceptual understanding and fitting ideas together --- class: middle, center # .larger[Exam Format] -- .pull-left[ .large[Similarities ] .midlarge[ **15 minutes per student** **Zoom** **Adaptable script** **4-point assessment rubric** ] ] -- .pull-right[ .large[ Differences ] .midlarge[ **Reflect on completed work** **Share screens / R** ] ] --- class: inverse, middle # .larger[.hand[Why oral assessments?]] --- # .larger[Personally...] .center[ .pull-left[ .large[ Experience with oral exams during undergrad Analysis ] ] ] -- .center[ .pull-right[ .large[ Left me feeling empowered! <img src="../images/muscle.png" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] ] ] --- # .larger[Professionally...] .pull-left[ .large[ GAISE emphasis on conceptual understanding </br> Facets of understanding ] ] .pull-right[ .large[ </br> Witnessing the increase in cheating in the spring of 2020. ] ] --- class: middle, center # .larger[As new faculty...] .larger[oral assessments promote a stronger connection with individual students] --- # .larger[Course Setting] -- .pull-left[ .large[ - Second semester statistics course - Linear model focused, with an introduction to experimental design ] ] -- .pull-right[ .large[ - Two sections -- 35 students per course - Entirely online - 10 weeks ] ] --- class: middle, center # .larger[Exam Setting] -- .pull-left[ .large[ Midterm Exam - Week 6 ] .midlarge[ **Data Summaries** **Data Visualization** **Regression Explorations** ] ] -- .pull-right[ .large[ Final Exam - Week 11 ] .midlarge[ **Inference** **Simulation & Theoretical Methods for Regression** **ANOVA** ] ] --- # .larger[Exam Style] .large[ - "Big Picture" conceptual questions - Distilled concepts into 5-6 questions per "unit" ] -- >"Explain to someone who has never taken a statistics course what a p-value is." > >"What are the similarities and differences between a two-way ANOVA model and a multiple linear regression?" --- # .larger[Grading] .large[ - Holistic rubric grading - Scores 0-4 based on understanding of concepts - Ability to articulate the central concepts - Type of errors made ] --- class: inverse <center> .huge[Experiences] </center> -- .large[ - Initially students are very intimidated ] -- .large[ - Listening to students voice their ideas is incredibly insightful ] -- .large[ - Talking aloud about statistics can be empowering ] --- class: middle # .larger[Your turn!] .pull-left[ .large[ - Initial reactions - Ideas that resonate with you - Ideas you are unsure about ] ] .pull-right[ # .your-turn[ Discuss these ideas with fellow educators <img src="../images/timer.jpg" width="30%" style="display: block; margin: auto 0 auto auto;" /> ] ] --- class: inverse, middle # .large[Allison: .hand[Designing an Oral Exam]] -- - Providing practice prior to exam -- - How long should each exam take? -- - Should the questions be open or closed? -- - Determine how students should prepare --- # .larger[Implementation] .large[ - "Think out loud" recordings & small group collaborations ] -- .large[ - 10-minute exams ] -- .large[ - Two "big picture" conceptual questions ] -- .large[ - Questions published the Friday before exams ] --- class: inverse # .large[.hand[Facilitating the Exam]] -- .large[ - Zoom with a waiting room turned on ] .tip[Tip: Use a software that allows for recording!] -- .large[ - Exam slot sign-up through Google Sheet ] .tip[Tip: Set a sign-up deadline!] --- class: inverse, middle # .large[Paul: .hand[Design Guidelines]] --- # Questions to consider, pt. 1 - Where does your oral assessment fit into your overall assessment plan? - HW? Quiz? Exam? Project? -- - What content will you assess? - Individual concepts? Big picture? Applications? -- - What format will you use? - Time? Zoom or in-person? R? Whiteboard? -- - What questions will you ask? - Fixed set for each student? Pick from a list? Free flowing conversation? --- # Questions to consider, pt. 2 - How will you help students prepare? - Practice oral assessments? Sample questions? Discussion groups? -- - How will you relieve student anxiety? - Friendly chit-chat? Let them pick first question to answer? Let them know pauses and (initial) wrong answers are okay? -- - How will you assess student performance? - Scoring rubric? Individualized feedback? --- class: middle # .larger[Your turn!] .pull-left[ .larger[.your-turn[ **Design an oral exam!** ] ] ] -- .pull-right[.large[ - **5 minutes** -- sketch out ideas for an oral exam you would like to implement - **10 minutes** -- Get feedback on your assessment sketch ] ] --- class: inverse, middle, center .huge[Final Questions?] --- class: middle, center .larger[ 📖 **Resources**] Example Oral Assessments: <> Allison's JSE Commentary: <>. Paul & Kelly McConville's Post: <>