rescale_01 <-function(vec) {if(!is.numeric(vec)) {stop("Input vector is not numeric") }if(length(vec) <=1) {stop("Input vector length must have at least two elements") } range <-range(vec, na.rm =TRUE)return((vec - range[1]) / (range[2] - range[1]))}
How would you transform these input checks so the rescale_01() function is vectorized?
library(ggtext)fish |>group_by(year, section, trip) |>summarize(missing_count =sum(, .groups ="drop") |>mutate(trip =case_when( trip ==1~"Trip 1", trip ==2~"Trip 2")) |>ggplot(aes(x = year, y = missing_count, color = section)) +geom_line(linewidth =1) +scale_color_brewer(palette ="Set2") +labs(title =str_c("Missing Fish Weights for the ","<span style = 'color:#66C2A5'>**Johnsrud**</span>"," and <span style = 'color:#FC8D62'>**ScottyBrown**</span>"," Sections of the Blackfoot River"),x ="Year",y ="",color ="Section") +facet_wrap(~ trip) +theme_minimal() +theme(plot.title = ggtext::element_markdown(size =16), legend.position ="none",axis.text.x =element_text(size =12), axis.text.y =element_text(size =12), axis.title =element_text(size =12),strip.text.x =element_text(size =12) )
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Lab 7 Peer Review
Function Formatting
There should be a new line after the opening {
The closing } should be on its own line
The body of the function should be indented
The code uses whitespace around all commas and arithmetic operators
The code uses new lines (returns) to eliminate character wrapping
rescale_01 <-function(x) {if (!is.numeric(x)) {stop("Input must be a numeric vector") }if (length(x) <=1) {stop("Length of the input vector is not greater than 1") } get_range <-range(x, na.rm =TRUE) (x - get_range[1]) / (get_range[2] - get_range[1])}
Not so good
rescale_01 <-function(x) {if (!is.numeric(x)) {stop("Input must be a numeric vector") }if (length(x) <=1) {stop("Length of the input vector is not greater than 1") } get_range <-range(x, na.rm=TRUE) (x-get_range[1]) / (get_range[2]-get_range[1])}
if() on a single line?
rescale_01 <-function(x) {if(!is.numeric(x)) stop("Input vector must be numeric.")if(length(x) <=1) stop("Input vector requires more than one element.") range_1 <-range(x, na.rm =TRUE) (x - range_1[1]) / (range_1[2] - range_1[1])}
This technically works because the stop() is on the same line as if().
But what if you have multiple things that happen if the condition is met?
if() on multiple lines
pluralize_gift <-function(gift){# Check if the word ends in a yif(str_detect(gift, "y$")){# Replace the y at the end with an ies gift <-str_replace(gift, pattern ="y",replacement ="ies") } # Check for a oo (goose)elseif(str_detect(gift,"oo")){ # Replace the oo with a ee gift <-str_replace(gift, pattern ="oo",replacement ="ee") } else{# Add an s to the end of the gift gift <-str_c(gift, replacement ="s") }return(gift)}