Using lubridate to Work with Dates

Thursday, October 24

Today we will…

  • Reminder About Lab 3 / Challenge 3 Revisions
  • Debrief Lab 4
    • Lab 4 Peer Code Review
  • Midterm Portfolio
    • What to Expect
    • How to Get Started
  • New Material
    • Working with Date & Time Variables
  • PA 5.2: Jewel Heist

Lab 3 / Challenge 3 Revisions

Lab 3 / Challenge 3 Revisions

Revisions are due by Friday

Any problem receiving a “Growing” can be revised and submitted for additional feedback

Lab 4

Common Mishaps

  • Q1: Who collected these data? When were the data collected?
  • Q4: Column titles of 2008 and 2018 are not descriptive!
    • Creating column names that describe the values stored in those columns!
    • The names_prefix = argument to pivot_wider() can help you make better column names!
    • DVS-6: I can create tables which make my summaries clear to the reader
  • Q4: Unless you specify .groups = "drop" within summarize() your table still is grouped!
    • group_by() + summarize() only drops the first group.
    • If you have two variables inside group_by(), then the data will still be grouped by the second variable!
  • Q7: The data description contains important information!
    • mc_toddler – Aggregated weekly, full-time median price charged for Center-based Care for toddlers.
    • mhi_2018Median household income expressed in 2018 dollars.

Recreating the Plot

DVS-2: I use plot modifications to make my visualizations clearer to the reader

  • Facets ordered based on developmental stage not alphabetically
  • Ordering colors in the legend so they appear in the same order as the lines in the plot.

DVS-3: I show creativity in my visualizations

  • Exploring different color themes
    • Personally, I like the "Accent" palette from the RColorBrewer package, but you might like others!
    • Getting 10 colors is hard! I would recommend looking into the colorRampPalette() function to get more colors.
  • Exploring different plot themes
    • Personally, I like theme_bw(), but you might like others!

Other “Big Picture” Code Feedback

I strongly recommend against nested functions, as they are difficult for people to understand what your code is doing. Having two lines is not less efficient and is more readable.

mutate(age_group = fct_relevel(fct_recode(age_group,
                                          "Infant" = "mc_infant",
                                          "Toddler" = "mc_toddler",
                                          "Preschool" = "mc_preschool"),

Can you do this entire process in one pipeline?

ca_counties <- counties |>
  filter(state_name == "California")

ca_childcare <- childcare_costs |>

Saving Objects That Aren’t Worth Saving

We should only save objects that we need to use later!

lowest_child_care_price_2018 <- ca_childcare |>
  filter(study_year == 2018) |>
  group_by(region) |>   
  summarise(median_infant_price = median(mc_infant)) |> 
  slice_min(order_by = median_infant_price)


Don’t forget to complete your Lab 4 code review!

Don’t forget to complete your Lab 4 code review!

Make sure your feedback follows the code review guidelines.

Insert your review into the comment box!

Midterm Portfolios

What to Expect

You will create a Midterm Portfolio, with code covering the learning targets we have covered thus far in the course.

  • Your code will be pulled from your Lab and Challenge assignments.
  • You will write reflections on how you’ve:
    • revised your thinking
    • extended your thinking
    • supported and collaborated with your peers

Getting Started

  1. Follow these directions to fork a copy of the Final Portfolio repository.

  2. Clone the repository into RStudio.

  3. Open the reflection_template.qmd file and give it a read!

  4. Start finding excerpts of code you wrote for the Labs or Challenges that fit each learning target.

Date + Time Variables

Why are dates and times tricky?

When parsing dates and times, we have to consider complicating factors like…

  • Daylight Savings Time.
    • One day a year is 23 hours; one day a year is 25 hours.
    • Some places use it, some don’t.
  • Leap years – most years have 365 days, some have 366.
  • Time zones.


  • Convert a date-like variable (“May 8, 1995”) to a date or date-time object.

  • Find the weekday, month, year, etc from a date-time object.

  • Convert between time zones.

The image shows the hex logo for the lubridate R package. The logo is a green hexagon with a stylized calendar in the center. The calendar has a small clock icon overlapping its bottom left corner, symbolizing time-related functions. The text 'lubridate' appears prominently below the calendar icon within the hexagon. Lubridate is commonly used in R for working with date and time data.


The lubridate package installs and loads with the tidyverse.

date-time Objects

There are multiple data types for dates and times.

  • A date:
    • date or Date
  • A date and a time (identifies a unique instant in time):
    • dtm
    • POSIXlt – stores date-times as the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 (“Unix Epoch”)
    • POSIXct – stores date-times as a list with elements for second, minute, hour, day, month, year, etc.

Creating date-time Objects

Create a date from individual components:

make_date(year = 1995, month = 05, day = 08)
[1] "1995-05-08"

Create a date-time Object from a String

mdy("August 29, 1991")
[1] "1991-08-29"
    tz = "America/Denver")
[1] "1991-08-29 MDT"
dmy_hms("29-August-1991 9:32:12", 
        tz = "America/Denver")
[1] "1991-08-29 09:32:12 MDT"
            format = "%y-%m-%d")
[1] "1991-08-29 UTC"
               format = "%m/%d/%Y")
[1] "1991-08-29 UTC"

Creating date-time Objects

Common Mistake with Dates

[1] "1970-01-01 00:33:35 UTC"
my_date <- 2023-02-6
[1] 2015

What’s wrong here?

Make sure you use quotes!

  • 2,015 seconds \(\approx\) 33.5 minutes

Extracting date-time Components

bday <- ymd_hms("1989-01-14 12:03:12", 
                tz = "America/Denver")
[1] "1989-01-14 12:03:12 MST"

[1] 1989
[1] 1
[1] 14
[1] 7
     label = TRUE, 
     abbr = FALSE)
[1] Saturday
7 Levels: Sunday < Monday < Tuesday < Wednesday < Thursday < ... < Saturday

Subtraction with date-time Objects

Doing subtraction gives you a difftime object.

difftime objects do not always have the same units – it depends on the scale of the objects you are working with.

How old am I?

today() - mdy(01141989)
Time difference of 13094 days

How long did it take me to type this slide?

begin <- mdy_hms("10/21/2024 20:40:34")
finish <- mdy_hms("10/21/2024 20:43:11")

finish - begin
Time difference of 2.616667 mins

Durations and Periods

Durations will always give the time span in an exact number of seconds.

  today() - mdy(01141989)
[1] "1131321600s (~35.85 years)"

Periods will give the time span in more approximate, but human readable times.

  today() - mdy(01141989)
[1] "13094d 0H 0M 0S"

Durations and Periods

We can also add time to date-time objects:

  • days(), years(), etc. will add a period of time.
  • ddays(), dyears(), etc. will add a duration of time.

Because durations use the exact number of seconds to represent days and years, you might get unexpected results.

When is is my 99th birthday?

mdy(01141989) + years(99)
[1] "2088-01-14"
mdy(01141989) + dyears(99)
[1] "2088-01-14 18:00:00 UTC"

Time Zones…

…are complicated!

Specify time zones in the form:

  • {continent}/{city} – “America/Denver”, “Africa/Nairobi”
  • {ocean}/{city} – “Pacific/Auckland”

What time zone does R think I’m in?

[1] "America/Los_Angeles"

Time Zones

You can change the time zone of a date in two ways:

x <- ymd_hms("2024-10-24 18:00:00", 
             tz = "Europe/Copenhagen")


Keeps the instant in time the same, but changes the visual representation.

x |> 
[1] "2024-10-24 09:00:00 PDT"
x |> 
  with_tz(tzone = "Asia/Kolkata")
[1] "2024-10-24 21:30:00 IST"


Changes the instant in time by forcing a time zone change.

x |> 
[1] "2024-10-24 18:00:00 PDT"
x |> 
  force_tz(tzone = "Asia/Kolkata")
[1] "2024-10-24 18:00:00 IST"

Common Mistake with Dates

When you read data in or create a new date-time object, the default time zone (if not specified) is UTC (Universal Time Coordinated)*.

So, make sure you specify your desired time zone!

x <- mdy("11/20/1993")
[1] "UTC"
x <- mdy("11/20/1993", 
         tz = "America/Los_Angeles")
[1] "America/Los_Angeles"

*UTC is the same as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

PA 5.2: Jewel Heist

The image displays five colorful gemstones placed on a dark surface. Each gem has a distinct color and shape. A rectangular green gem (emerald-like) on the left. A round white gem (resembling a diamond) at the top. An oval pink gem in the center. An oval blue gem in the foreground. An oval yellow gem in the background on the right. The gems are cut and polished, reflecting light and showing their intricate facets. They appear to represent a variety of precious stones with vibrant colors.

This activity will require knowledge of:

  • Converting time zones
  • Extracting components of a date
  • Filtering based on date components
  • Making intervals of time
  • Filtering values that fall into an interval
  • Finding the duration between two dates
  • Modulus division

None of us have all these abilities. Each of us has some of these abilities.

lubridate Resources

Every group should have a lubridate cheatsheet!

On the Front:

  • Middle Column – functions related to “getting components” of dates
  • Bottom Right – functions related to time zones

On the Back:

  • Left Column – functions related to adding / subtracting “periods” to / from dates
  • Right Column – functions related to creating and using intervals of time

The image is a cheat sheet for the lubridate R package, titled 'Dates and times with lubridate::CHEATSHEET.' It is packed with key information on working with dates and times using lubridate, displayed in a visually organized format.

Task Card

Every group should have a task card!

On the Front

  • the expectations of each role
  • the norms of collaborating

On the Back

  • lubridate functions for different tasks you may encounter

Getting Started

The partner who got the most sleep starts as the Developer (typing and listening to instructions from the Coder)!

  • The Coder does not type.
    • The collaborative editing feature should allow you to track what is being typed.
  • The Developer only types what they are told to type.


Submit the name of the thief to the Canvas Quiz.

  • Each person will input the full name of the thief into the PA 5.2 quiz.
  • The person who last occupied the role of Developer will download and submit the PA-5-dates.html file for the group.
    • Only one submission per group!

Lab 5: Murder in SQL City

The image depicts a detective scene where a person wearing a trench coat and a wide-brimmed hat is standing in front of a bulletin board. The board contains various items connected by red strings, including a map, a photograph of mountains, a newspaper article with a photo of a person, a police badge, and a sticky note with the number '1992' on it. This setup is commonly associated with solving a mystery or crime, where clues are visually linked to help unravel the case. The detective appears to be analyzing these clues.

To do…

  • Lab 5: Murder in SQL City
    • due Sunday, October 27 at 11:59pm