Today we will…
New Student Hours are:
Wednesdays from 4pm - 5pm
Thursdays from 2pm - 3pm
“Ungrading is a pedagogical practice which entirely removes grades as a focus of the course. Instead, ungrading exclusively focuses on providing students with feedback aimed at helping them build proficiency to accomplish the course’s learning goals.”
The purpose of the study is to understand how an instructor’s pedagogy impacts the equity of group collaborations, specifically as they relate to pair programming.
If you agree to participate…
you will be recorded once a week for 10-weeks while participating in pair programming to complete collaborative tasks.
you will complete a pre- and post-survey about your prior computing experiences and your attitudes toward data science.
Your participation in this research will not affect your course grade.
Consent Form
Please complete the consent form ( by Monday, 9/30.
Judith Canner, Professor of Statistics
File > New File > R Script
) are files of code that are meant to be run on their own.Scripts can be run in RStudio by clicking the Run
button at the top of the editor window when the script is open.
You can also run code interactively in a script by:
highlighting lines of code and hitting run.
placing your cursor on a line of code and hitting run.
placing your cursor on a line of code and hitting ctrl + enter
or command + enter
Notebooks are an implementation of literate programming.
They allow you to integrate code, output, text, images, etc. into a single document.
We love notebooks because they help us produce a reproducible analysis!
Markdown is a markup language.
It uses special symbols and formatting to make pretty documents.
Markdown files have the .md extension.
Quarto unifies and extends the R Markdown ecosystem.
Quarto files have the .qmd extension.
Consistent implementation of attractive and handy features across outputs:
More accessible defaults and better support for accessibility.
Guardrails that are helpful when learning:
Support for other languages like Python, Julia, Observable, and more.
Quarto makes moving between outputs straightforward.
How does Quarto know that a section of text should be interpreted as R code?
R code chunk options are included at the top of each code chunk, prefaced with a #|
To take your .qmd file and make it look pretty, you have to render it.
Quarto CLI (command line interface) orchestrates each step of rendering:
or jupyter
.When you click Render:
A process of tracking changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later.
GitHub makes it easy to have multiple people working on the same files at the same time.
You can host a URL of fun things (like the class text, these slides, the course website, etc.) with GitHub pages.
Git is based on repositories.
Create an exact copy of a remote repo on your local machine.
Tell git you have made changes you want to add to the repo.
The red line is a change we commit (add) to the repo.
The log of these changes is called your commit history.
Update the copy of your repo on GitHub so it has the most recent changes you’ve made on your machine.
Update the local copy of your repo (the copy on your computer) with the version on GitHub.
When you have an existing local repo:
You were asked to complete the following steps before coming to class today:
You should see something like:
── GitHub user
• Default GitHub host: ''
• Personal access token for '': '<discovered>'
• GitHub user: 'atheobold'
• Token scopes: 'admin:org, admin:public_key, delete:packages, delete_repo, gist, notifications, repo, user, workflow, write:packages'
• Email(s): ' (primary)', '', ''
ℹ No active usethis project
If that is not the case, Dr. Theobold will help you troubleshoot in 5-minutes!
Here are step by step directions: Copying the Lab Assignment with GitHub Classroom in 11 Steps
Step 1: Open the Lab 1 assignment on GitHub Classroom
Step 2: Open your Lab 1 repository
Step 3: Clone the repository to your computer
Step 4: Open the lab-1.qmd
Step 5: Change your name
Step 6: Commit your change (with a nice message!)
Step 7: Push your change
*I would highly recommend having these pulled up alongside RStudio while you work!