= make_column_transformer(
(StandardScaler(),"abv", "srm", "originalGravity", "ibu"]
),= False),
(OneHotEncoder(sparse_output "isOrganic", "glass", "available"]
),= "drop") remainder
Google Collab Notebook
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There are always multiple ways to accomplish a given task.
In addition to accomplishing the given task, your grade on each problem will also depend on:
loop when it was not necessary?)What are the efficiency benefits of making a general preprocessor?
Your analysis will focus on the qualitites of different types of coffee and how they are related to where / when / how the coffee was grown and processed.
Identify a research question of interest.
Perform preprocessing steps
Measure similarity between observations by calculating distances.
year price summer har sep win age
0 1952 37.0 17.1 160 14.3 600 40
1 1953 63.0 16.7 80 17.3 690 39
2 1955 45.0 17.1 130 16.8 502 37
3 1957 22.0 16.1 110 16.2 420 35
4 1958 18.0 16.4 187 19.1 582 34
5 1959 66.0 17.5 187 18.7 485 33
6 1960 14.0 16.4 290 15.8 763 32
7 1961 100.0 17.3 38 20.4 830 31
8 1962 33.0 16.3 52 17.2 697 30
9 1963 17.0 15.7 155 16.2 608 29
10 1964 31.0 17.3 96 18.8 402 28
11 1965 11.0 15.4 267 14.8 602 27
12 1966 47.0 16.5 86 18.4 819 26
13 1967 19.0 16.2 118 16.5 714 25
14 1968 11.0 16.2 292 16.4 610 24
15 1969 12.0 16.5 244 16.6 575 23
16 1970 40.0 16.7 89 18.0 622 22
17 1971 27.0 16.8 112 16.9 551 21
18 1972 10.0 15.0 158 14.6 536 20
19 1973 16.0 17.1 123 17.9 376 19
20 1974 11.0 16.3 184 16.2 574 18
21 1975 30.0 16.9 171 17.2 572 17
22 1976 25.0 17.6 247 16.1 418 16
23 1977 11.0 15.6 87 16.8 821 15
24 1978 27.0 15.8 51 17.4 763 14
25 1979 21.0 16.2 122 17.3 717 13
26 1980 14.0 16.0 74 18.4 578 12
27 1981 NaN 17.0 111 18.0 535 11
28 1982 NaN 17.4 162 18.5 712 10
29 1983 NaN 17.4 119 17.9 845 9
30 1984 NaN 16.5 119 16.0 591 8
31 1985 NaN 16.8 38 18.9 744 7
32 1986 NaN 16.3 171 17.5 563 6
33 1987 NaN 17.0 115 18.9 452 5
34 1988 NaN 17.1 59 16.8 808 4
35 1989 NaN 18.6 82 18.4 443 3
36 1990 NaN 18.7 80 19.3 468 2
37 1991 NaN 17.7 183 20.4 570 1
: What year the wine was producedprice
: Average market price for Bordeaux vintages according to a series of auctions.
: Winter rainfall (in mm)summer
: Average temperature during the summer months (June - August)sep
: Average temperature in the month of September (in Celsius)har
: Rainfall during harvest month(s) (in mm)age
: How old the wine was in 1992 (years since 1992)Goal: Predict what will be the quality (price) of wines in a future year.
Idea: Wines with similar features probably have similar quality.
Which wines have similar summer temps and winter rainfall to the 1989 vintage?
First we make a column transformer…
from sklearn.compose import make_column_transformer
from sklearn.compose import make_column_selector
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
preproc = make_column_transformer(
make_column_selector(dtype_include = np.number)
remainder = "drop"
features = ['summer', 'har', 'sep', 'win', 'age']
Why make a general processor?
Then we fit it on the training data.
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f95c90>)])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f95c90>)])
<sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f95c90>
Then we transform the training data AND the test data:
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f95c90>)])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f95c90>)])
<sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f95c90>
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f96fb0>)])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f96fb0>)])
<sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f96fb0>
from sklearn.metrics import pairwise_distances
dists = pairwise_distances(test_new, train_new)
array([[6.16457005, 5.74908409, 5.01651675, 5.8002254 , 5.48664619,
4.35898872, 6.56017889, 5.28491106, 5.38614546, 6.01267804,
3.72811494, 6.99167472, 5.26008007, 5.3100901 , 5.76468136,
4.97806644, 4.05228644, 3.86667994, 6.7345252 , 3.18480532,
4.69099623, 3.65924 , 3.62660714, 5.86910657, 5.30050409,
4.60719435, 4.34675994]])
year price summer har sep win age
19 1973 16.0 17.1 123 17.9 376 19
22 1976 25.0 17.6 247 16.1 418 16
21 1975 30.0 16.9 171 17.2 572 17
10 1964 31.0 17.3 96 18.8 402 28
17 1971 27.0 16.8 112 16.9 551 21
16 1970 40.0 16.7 89 18.0 622 22
26 1980 14.0 16.0 74 18.4 578 12
5 1959 66.0 17.5 187 18.7 485 33
25 1979 21.0 16.2 122 17.3 717 13
20 1974 11.0 16.3 184 16.2 574 18
15 1969 12.0 16.5 244 16.6 575 23
2 1955 45.0 17.1 130 16.8 502 37
12 1966 47.0 16.5 86 18.4 819 26
7 1961 100.0 17.3 38 20.4 830 31
24 1978 27.0 15.8 51 17.4 763 14
13 1967 19.0 16.2 118 16.5 714 25
8 1962 33.0 16.3 52 17.2 697 30
4 1958 18.0 16.4 187 19.1 582 34
1 1953 63.0 16.7 80 17.3 690 39
14 1968 11.0 16.2 292 16.4 610 24
3 1957 22.0 16.1 110 16.2 420 35
23 1977 11.0 15.6 87 16.8 821 15
9 1963 17.0 15.7 155 16.2 608 29
0 1952 37.0 17.1 160 14.3 600 40
6 1960 14.0 16.4 290 15.8 763 32
18 1972 10.0 15.0 158 14.6 536 20
11 1965 11.0 15.4 267 14.8 602 27
If \(k = 1\) …
year 1973.0
price 16.0
summer 17.1
har 123.0
sep 17.9
win 376.0
age 19.0
Name: 19, dtype: float64
If \(k = 5\) …
year price summer har sep win age
19 1973 16.0 17.1 123 17.9 376 19
22 1976 25.0 17.6 247 16.1 418 16
21 1975 30.0 16.9 171 17.2 572 17
10 1964 31.0 17.3 96 18.8 402 28
17 1971 27.0 16.8 112 16.9 551 21
If \(k = 100\) …
Find the predicted 1992 price for all the unknown wines (year
1981 through 1991), with:
\(k = 1\)
\(k = 5\)
\(k = 10\)
A good place for a function!
You are performing the same process with different inputs of \(k\), so this seems like a reasonable place to write a function to save you time / reduce errors from copying and pasting.
Pipeline(steps=[('columntransformer', ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f96fb0>)])), ('kneighborsregressor', KNeighborsRegressor())])In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
Pipeline(steps=[('columntransformer', ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f96fb0>)])), ('kneighborsregressor', KNeighborsRegressor())])
ColumnTransformer(transformers=[('standardscaler', StandardScaler(), <sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f96fb0>)])
<sklearn.compose._column_transformer.make_column_selector object at 0x119f96fb0>
Find the predicted 1992 price for the wines with known prices, with:
\(k = 1\)
\(k = 5\)
\(k = 10\)
How close was each prediction to the right answer?
We have existing observations
\[(X_1, y_1), ... (X_n, y_n)\] Where \(X_i\) is a set of features, and \(y_i\) is a target value.
Given a new observation \(X_{new}\), how do we predict \(y_{new}\)?
Find the \(k\) values in \((X_1, ..., X_n)\) that are closest to \(X_{new}\)
Take the average of the corresponding \(y_i\)’s to our five closest \(X_i\)’s.
Predict \(\widehat{y}_{new}\) = average of these \(y_i\)’s
What is our definition of closest?
What number should we use for \(k\)?
How do we evaluate the success of this approach?