= pd.read_csv("https://datasci112.stanford.edu/data/titanic.csv") df
name | pclass | survived | sex | age | sibsp | parch | ticket | fare | cabin | embarked | boat | body | home.dest |
Allen, Miss. Elisabeth Walton | 1 | 1 | female | 29.0000 | 0 | 0 | 24160 | 211.3375 | B5 | S | 2 | NaN | St Louis, MO |
Allison, Master. Hudson Trevor | 1 | 1 | male | 0.9167 | 1 | 2 | 113781 | 151.5500 | C22 C26 | S | 11 | NaN | Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON |
Allison, Miss. Helen Loraine | 1 | 0 | female | 2.0000 | 1 | 2 | 113781 | 151.5500 | C22 C26 | S | NA | NaN | Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON |
Allison, Mr. Hudson Joshua Creighton | 1 | 0 | male | 30.0000 | 1 | 2 | 113781 | 151.5500 | C22 C26 | S | NA | 135 | Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON |
Allison, Mrs. Hudson J C (Bessie Waldo Daniels) | 1 | 0 | female | 25.0000 | 1 | 2 | 113781 | 151.5500 | C22 C26 | S | NA | NaN | Montreal, PQ / Chesterville, ON |
Anderson, Mr. Harry | 1 | 1 | male | 48.0000 | 0 | 0 | 19952 | 26.5500 | E12 | S | 3 | NaN | New York, NY |
age sibsp parch fare body
count 1046.000000 1309.000000 1309.000000 1308.000000 121.000000
mean 29.881135 0.498854 0.385027 33.295479 160.809917
std 14.413500 1.041658 0.865560 51.758668 97.696922
min 0.166700 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
25% 21.000000 0.000000 0.000000 7.895800 72.000000
50% 28.000000 0.000000 0.000000 14.454200 155.000000
75% 39.000000 1.000000 0.000000 31.275000 256.000000
max 80.000000 8.000000 9.000000 512.329200 328.000000
The list of percents for each category is called the distribution of the variable.
The grammar of graphics is a framework for creating data visualizations.
A visualization consists of:
The aesthetic: Which variables are dictating which plot elements.
The geometry: What shape of plot you are making.
The theme: Other choices about the appearance.
Where are variables mapped to aspects of the plot?
What shape(s) are used to represent the data / observations?
The plotnine
library implements the grammar of graphics in Python.
function is the place to map variables to plot aesthetics.
, y
, and fill
are three possible aesthetics that can be specifiedgeom_XXX()
functions allow for different plotting shapes (e.g. boxplot, histogram, etc.)
you choose!What are the aesthetics and geometry in the cartoon plot below?
An XKCD comic
To visualize the distribution of a categorical variable, we should use a bar plot.
Technically, you could still use geom_bar()
, but you would need to specify that you didn’t want it to use stat = "count"
(the default). You’ve already calculated the proportions, so you would use geom_bar(stat = "identity")
What are some pros and cons of the stacked bar plot?
counts in each class, since those bars are on the bottom.Cons
counts, since those bars are stacked on top.What are some pros and cons of the side-by-side bar plot?
We can easily compare the female
counts in each class.
We can easily compare the male
counts in each class.
We can easily see counts of each within each class.
It is hard to see total counts in each class.
It is hard to estimate the distributions.
What are some pros and cons of the stacked percentage bar plot?
This is the best way to compare sex balance across classes!
This is the option I use the most, because it can answer “Are you more likely to find ______ in ______ ?” type questions.
Choose one of the plots from lecture so far and “upgrade” it.
You can do this by:
Finding and using a different theme
Using labs()
to change the axis labels
Trying different variables
Trying a different geometries
Using + scale_fill_manual()
to change the colors being used
You will need to use documentation of plotnine
and online resources!
Check out https://www.data-to-viz.com/ for ideas and example code.
Ask GenAI questions like, “What do I add to a plotnine bar plot to change the colors?” (But of course, make sure you understand the code you use!)
sex female male
1 144 179
2 106 171
3 216 493
This is sometimes called a cross-tab or cross-tabulation.
Pivot Table
Essentially unstack()
has pivoted the sex
column from long format (where the values are included in one column) to wide format where each value has its own column.
sex female male
1 0.110008 0.136746
2 0.080978 0.130634
3 0.165011 0.376623
All of these values should sum to 1, aka, 100%!
What cross-tabulation would you expect if we changed the order of the variables? In other words, what would happen if "sex"
came first and "pclass"
came second?
We call this the joint distribution of the two variables.
sex female male
1 0.110008 0.136746
2 0.080978 0.130634
3 0.165011 0.376623
Of all the passengers on the Titanic, 11% were female passengers riding in first class.
We know that:
466 passengers identified as female
Of those 466 passengers, 144 rode in first class
Here we conditioned on the passenger being female, and then looked at the conditional distribution of pclass
We know that:
35.5% of all passengers identified as female
Of those 35.5% of passengers, 11% rode in first class
Here we conditioned on the passenger being female, and then looked at the conditional distribution of pclass
We know that:
323 passengers rode in first class
Of those 323 passengers, 144 identified as female
Here we conditioned on the passenger being in first class, and then looked at the conditional distribution of sex
This depends on the research question you are trying to answer.
“What class did most female identifying passengers ride in?”
-> Of all female passengers, what is the conditional distribution of class?
“What was the gender breakdown of first class?”
-> Of all first class passengers, what is the conditional distribution of sex?
When we study two variables, we call the individual one-variable distributions the marginal distribution of that variable.
We need to divide the joint distribution (e.g. “11% of passengers were first class female”) by the marginal distribution of the variable we want to condition on (e.g. 35.5% of passengers were female).
Should the rows or columns add up to 100%? Why?
sex female male
1 0.309013 0.212337
2 0.227468 0.202847
3 0.463519 0.584816
“Did women tend to ride in first class more than men?”
We use plotnine
and the grammar of graphics to make visuals.
For two categorical variables, we might use a stacked bar plot, a side-by-side bar plot, or a stacked percentage bar plot - depending on what we are trying to show.
The joint distribution of two variables gives the percents in each subcategory.
The marginal distribution of a variable is its individual distribution.
The conditional distribution of a variable is its distribution among only one category of a different variable.
We calculate the conditional distribution by dividing the joint by the marginal.