STAT 313 - Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models
a 4-unit course on fitting and interpreting regression and ANOVA models, while also dedicating time toward learning how to prepare data for analysis in R
Course description
These materials accompany the 4-unit, 2-day, second course in statistics, STAT 313 - Applied Experimental Design and Regression Models, offered through the Minor in Statistics.
In this course, students learn how to prepare data for analysis using the {tidyverse}
set of R package. Specifically, students build proficiency with the {dplyr}
and {ggplot2}
packages. Students then use the {infer}
package to fit various regression and ANOVA models, using both simulation-based and theoretical methods. Throughout the course, students use Quarto to create professional-looking statistical reports.
When is this taught?
At Cal Poly, this course is taught every quarter. I expect to teach this course at some point in the academic year, so the materials should be updated at least once annually.