STAT 551 - Statistical Learning with R
a 4-unit course on predictive modeling using modern methods for regression, classification, and clustering
course materials course catalog
Course description
These materials accompany the 4-unit, 2-day, hands-on coding course, STAT 551 - Statistical Learning with R, offered through the Masters in Statistics.
In this course, students learn how to fit a variety of supervised and unsupervised models using the {tidymodels}
set of packages. Specifically, students learn how to use {recipe}
to specify the variables to be included in their model, use {parsnip}
to set the engine to be used when fitting the model, and {yardstick}
to assess the performance of each model.
When is this taught?
At Cal Poly, this course is taught every fall quarter. There are a few of us who alternate teaching the course, so I did not end up teaching this course this year. However, I may end up teaching it in the coming years!